New & Expecting Parents Package
Our New & Expecting Parents Package offers detailed information on infant sleep from managing expectations, milestones and promoting positive sleep habits.
The New & Expecting Parents Package includes:
Detailed information about infant sleep and the benefits of promoting positive sleeping habits from the beginning
Learning about how your new baby is sleeping, how to manage expectations, developmental milestones and how they may affect sleep
A 45 Minute Telephone/Videocall
For babies who have already been born, you will get a Sleep Questionnaire to complete, so I can do an in-depth assessment
Knowledge and guidance in relation to settling techniques
A detailed summary of information with age appropriate sleep schedules for your new baby
One Week of Email/WhatsApp support, to answer any questions you may have
One further email of support to use before your child turns 6 months
Note: Twins/Siblings are charged at £50 extra per package